About fits2hdf

fits2hdf is a conversion to utility to port FITS files to Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) files in the HDFITS format. In addition, there is a utility to port MeasurementSets (MS) to HDF5 files. This work was first presented at the ADASS XXIV conference in Calgary, 2014. A more complete overview is given in Astronomy & Computing.

The fits2hdf utility works by first mapping data from FITS/MS/HDF into an in-memory interchange format (IDI). fits2hdf is written in python and uses h5py, pyFits, and pyrap for file I/O.

fits2hdf is still under development, so should be considered an ‘alpha’ release that is likely to change. Community feedback is encouraged, and if you are interested in development please get in touch. This work is intended as a pathfinder toward getting astronomical data into a standardized HDF5 format, so that the advantages of HDF5 can be leveraged in the future.

Motivation: why HDF5, and why not FITS?

The Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) file format has enjoyed several decades of widespread usage within astronomy. Its ubiquity has been attributed to the guiding maxim “once FITS, always FITS”: that changes to the FITS standard must be incremental so as to never break backward compatibility. This maxim limits what modifications can be made, and FITS is showing its age; the guiding principle that made FITS so successful can now be seen as its Achilles heel.

The limitations of FITS are succinctly summarized in Thomas et al. (2014) and Thomas et al. (2015). Some of the limitations are quite frankly archaic: 8-character maximum keywords in the FITS header, lack of Unicode support, and incomplete support of basic unsigned integer types. Other limitations become apparent when compared against newer formats: FITS has no support for chunking, parallel I/O, or hierarchical data models.

Motivated by data volumes, the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) is becoming increasingly common in astronomy and science in general. HDF5 has several advantages over FITS, with I/O access speed being a compelling reason to make the switch. For example, HDF5 allows efficient reading of portions of a dataset, such as reading along slowly-varying axes of a dataset, which incurs significant overhead when reading from FITS files. A switch to HDF5 may save you lots of processing time.

For a more complete discussion, see HDFITS: porting the FITS data model to HDF5.

The HDFITS specification

The HDF5 format has an abstract data model, capable of storing myriad data structures. While there are many possible mappings from FITS into HDF5, we’ve implemented one that we are calling HDFITS v1.0. We encourage feedback, and invisage that comments from the broader community will lead to a HDFITS v2.0.

The goal of HDFITS/fits2hdf is to provide a HDF5-based equivalent of the FITS file format, and to provide utilities for converting between the two formats. The motivation of this approach, as opposed to creating an HDF5-based format from scratch, is that decades of widespread FITS usage has left a legacy that would otherwise be discarded. By preserving the familiar underlying data model of FITS, software packages designed to read and interpret FITS can be readily updated to read HDF5 data. Maintaining backwards-compatibility with FITS, so that data stored in HDF5 files can be converted into FITS for use in legacy software packages is another persuasive reason to pursue a FITS-like data model within HDF5.

Of course, a port of the FITS data model to HDF5 does not address issues with the FITS data model itself. Nevertheless, as the HDF5 data model is abstracted from its file format, an HDF5-based version of the FITS data model can be extended without requiring changes to the storage model. HDFITS can be used as a starting point and as a testbed for enhancing the FITS data model.


There are a bunch of alternative data formats, and if you’re a free spirit you can always roll your own higher-level data model inside the HDF5 abstract data model. Otherwise, look into:

  • NDF is the file format used by Starlink. Recently, Starlink added HDF5 support, meaning that you can use the Starlink utilities to convert from FITS into the NDF-HDF5 format.
  • hickle provides a HDF5-based drop-in replacement to the Python pickle package, allowing nice & lazy dumping of common python objects to file.
  • ASDF is a file format being developed for interchange, particularly for JWST.
  • MeasurementSets are how the CASA software package stores its data.
  • VOTables is an XML-based format designed for the Virtual Observatory.